a river of roses, cinema, film, film review, film review friday, girls, girls trip, queen latifa, Review

A trip to the cinema with the girls to see ‘Girls Trip’ – Film Review 2017

Last week me and my friends took a long awaited trip to the cinema. There’s 4 of us and we’re all girls so the theme of the film ‘Girls Trip’ seemed quite fitting. I recall now watching the trailer a while ago, however, quite honestly, on our way to the cinema I didn’t have a clue what I was letting myself in for. 

One of my friends offered to give us all a lift, being it her first time driving us I kind of expected it to be a joyful ride to say the least, and I wasn’t wrong! I’ll keep the majority of the journey a mystery aside from her asking me for directions, me proceeding to tell her where to go, then after the first instruction… she turned the radio up… surprisingly we got there just in time with no dramatic complications!

We were one of the last people in the cinema, I took my phone out to take a Snapchat of my little trip, immediately putting my phone away as the lights went down. If you’ve seen my reviews before, you know I don’t include any spoilers so you’re all clear if you haven’t seen it yet.

I have to say the whole film had intervals of the audience howling with laughter and even applauding (that wasn’t me). Queen Latifa, Regina Hall and Jada Pinkett Smith are some familiar faces. The film itself has been referred to as ‘the female version of The Hangover’ and I couldn’t agree more! 

I would absolutely recommend going to see this, for extra effect… go with the girls!


Beauty, bride, girls, hen party, Makeup, night out, vlog, wedding, weekly vlog, Youtube

The Hen Party – Vlog

As usual I’m late again, but this is probably the closest I’ve ever been to on time!

This past fortnight has been a killer for me thanks to this beast of a cold which left me with an ear infection and hearing loss in my left ear. I’ve not been able to hear for 6 days now and my god, I’m never taking my hearing for grated again! Every conversation I’ve had something has to be repeated, it’s a nightmare.

This weekend brought the hen weekend! My beautiful friend Stacey is getting married to one of my best friends Sam next month and I’m honestly not emotionally prepared for the wedding, I’m so excited for them, they are a beautiful couple and 2 fantastic friends. I wanted to repeat the hen party again and again and to be honest, I half don’t want the wedding to happen because I’ll want to repeat it again and again and again.